the significance of software maintenance and refactoring, providing strategies and best practices for managing and improving existing codebases to ensure long-term success and sustainability...
While technology is important, it should always be viewed as a means to an end, with value creation being the ultimate goal...
The main ideas of "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham and its relevance to investing today...
the exciting aspects of software development, including problem-solving, creativity, continuous learning, collaboration, and the gratification of tangible results...
Frédéric Bastiat's The Law, highlighting his argument for a government limited to protecting individual rights and the dangers of 'legal plunder.'...
Why Complex Systems Require Energy and Effort to Build and Maintain...
The key themes and concepts of the influential book on software engineering...
The power of positive thinking and how it can impact our mental and physical health, as well as our overall quality of life....
a life centered around relentless pursuit and extraordinary dedication may lead to a fulfilling and meaningful existence...
an overview of Friedrich Hayek's influential book "The Road to Serfdom," highlighting its key arguments against centralized economic planning and its enduring relevance in contemporary political and economic debates...