Hashmaps: An Efficient Key-Value Storage Data Structure

Hashmaps: An Efficient Key-Value Storage Data Structure

Hashmaps, also known as dictionaries or associative arrays, are a fundamental data structure in computer science. They provide fast access to data by associating keys with values using a hash function. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of hashmaps, their advantages, and how to implement a hashmap in Python.

Understanding Hashmaps:
A hashmap is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique. It utilizes a hash function to map keys to specific indexes in an underlying array, allowing for constant-time retrieval, insertion, and deletion operations. This makes hashmaps a powerful tool for solving a wide range of problems efficiently.

Implementing a Hashmap in Python:
Let’s dive into the implementation of a hashmap in Python. We’ll start by defining a HashMap class that encapsulates the necessary functionality.

class HashMap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.size = 16  # Initial size of the underlying array
        self.buckets = [[] for _ in range(self.size)]  # List of buckets, each containing key-value pairs

    def _hash(self, key):
        return hash(key) % self.size  # Hash function to determine the index of a key in the array

    def put(self, key, value):
        index = self._hash(key)
        bucket = self.buckets[index]

        for i, (existing_key, existing_value) in enumerate(bucket):
            if existing_key == key:
                bucket[i] = (key, value)  # Update the value if the key already exists

        bucket.append((key, value))  # Add the key-value pair to the bucket

    def get(self, key):
        index = self._hash(key)
        bucket = self.buckets[index]

        for existing_key, value in bucket:
            if existing_key == key:
                return value

        raise KeyError(f"Key '{key}' not found")

    def remove(self, key):
        index = self._hash(key)
        bucket = self.buckets[index]

        for i, (existing_key, _) in enumerate(bucket):
            if existing_key == key:
                del bucket[i]  # Remove the key-value pair from the bucket

        raise KeyError(f"Key '{key}' not found")

Using the Hashtable:
Now that we have our Hashtable class, let’s see how we can use it:

# Creating a hashmap
hashmap = {}

# Adding key-value pairs to the hashmap
hashmap["apple"] = 5
hashmap["banana"] = 10
hashmap["orange"] = 7

# Accessing values by key
print(hashmap["apple"])  # Output: 5

# Updating a value
hashmap["banana"] = 15

# Removing a key-value pair
del hashmap["orange"]

# Checking if a key exists
if "banana" in hashmap:
    print("Key 'banana' exists in the hashmap")

# Getting the number of key-value pairs
size = len(hashmap)
print("Size of hashmap:", size)

# Iterating over keys
for key in hashmap:
    print(key, "->", hashmap[key])

Advantages of Hashmaps:
Fast Retrieval: Hashmaps provide constant-time access to values based on their keys, regardless of the size of the dataset.
Efficient Insertion and Deletion: Hashmaps offer efficient insertion and deletion operations, making them suitable for dynamic data structures.
Flexible Key Types: Hashmaps can handle various types of keys, including strings, integers, and custom objects.
Key-Value Association: Hashmaps allow for easy association of values with their corresponding keys, enabling intuitive data organization.
Widely Used: Hashmaps are extensively used in various domains, including databases, caching mechanisms, language implementations, and algorithm design.

Disadvantages of Hashmaps:
Hash Collisions: Hashmaps may encounter collisions when different keys produce the same hash value, requiring additional handling and potentially impacting performance.
Memory Overhead: Hashmaps consume additional memory to store the underlying array and handle potential collisions, which can be a concern for large datasets.
Order Unpredictability: Hashmaps do not guarantee a specific order of iteration over keys, which may not be desirable in certain use cases.

Time Complexity:
Average case:
Insertion: O(1) Deletion: O(1) Lookup: O(1)

Worst case:
Insertion: O(n) Deletion: O(n) Lookup: O(n)

Space Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements stored in the hashtable.