Software Developer with 4 years + of experience. Dominion of various programming languages, frameworks, CMS and graphics engines. Experience in WEB design and development. Work with Data Base handled systems, as well as design, normalization and migration. Knowledge of work with graphic design tools for image manipulation , User Interfaces design, Web sites, logos and other ones.

Technician Information-Technology

2006 to 2009 at Osvaldo Herrera Polytechnic institute, Habana, Cuba

Informatics Science Engineer

2010 to 2015 at University of Informatics Science (UCI), Habana, Cuba


UI Designer and Developer at Integral Access Control System (Thesis)

From 2015 at XETID, Habana, Cuba

System multiplatform that includes the steps of a company's personnel, the structure and composition thereof, as well as a powerful designer of credentials and module of control of access. Outspread at the MINFAR and another entities of the country. Technologies: C++, Qt Framework, Subversión, Visual Paradigm, PostgreSQL, Jmeter

Web Developer at Integral Oil Drilling System 2.0

From 2015 to 2016 at CEDIN, UCI, Habana, Cuba

System of steps of process of perforation of oil wells. Outspread in the direction of Intervención of Wells and various wells of drilling of the Occident of the country. Generate reports and graphs of process of perforation making use of data mining. Technologies: Php,Symfony 2.7 , Subversión, PostgreSQL, HigthChart, Ireport, Boostrap 2, JQuery, HTML,CSS, JavaScript

Full Stack Dev, Software Architect and Project Leader at Integral Oil Drilling System 3.0

From 2016 to 2017 at CEDIN, UCI, Habana, Cuba

System of steps of process of perforation of oil wells. Outspread in the direction of Intervención of Wells and various wells of drilling of the Occident of the country. Generate reports and graphs of process of perforation making use of data mining. Technologies: Php,Symfony 2.8 , Gitlab, PostgreSQL, HigthChart, Boostrap 2, JQuery, HTML,CSS, JavaScript

Full Stack Dev, UI/UX Designer and Software Architect at Primary Information System

From 2017 to 2018 at CEDIN, UCI, Habana, Cuba

System of steps of primary information at a company. personnel's steps, control of access, impression of credentials, steps of locales, structure and composition. Technologies: Php,Symfony 3.3 , Gitlab, PostgreSQL, , Boostrap 3, JQuery, HTML,CSS, JavaScript

  • Spanish (Native)
  • English (C2)
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Postgres SQL
  • MySQL
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • HTML
  • Node.js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • AngularJS
  • VUE
  • Astro
  • Symfony 3
  • Yii2
  • Bootstrap
  • Taildwind
  • JQuery
  • Wordpress
  • Git
  • Jira
  • Trello
  • BaseCamp
  • Scrum
  • Shape Up
  • LeanStartup
  • UI Design
  • WEB Design
  • Logo Design
  • Image Manipulation
  • Office Suite
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • KdenLive