![Weather API](/post_img.webp)
Weather API
Get Weather by Latitude and Longitude: Using this endpoint, developers can retrieve current weather information based on latitude and longitude coordinates. This feature is particularly useful for applications that require real-time weather updates.
Reverse Geocoding: Our API performs reverse geocoding, allowing you to obtain the address of a location based on its latitude and longitude coordinates. This feature is invaluable for applications that need to display location-based information to users.
Get Coordinates by City Name: Sometimes, you might have a city name but need its coordinates for mapping or weather queries. Our API can provide latitude and longitude coordinates by simply providing the city name.
Get Weather by City Name: This endpoint allows developers to retrieve current weather information for a specific city. If you know the city’s name but not its coordinates, you can use the API to get both the coordinates and weather data.
How to Use Our Weather API
Using the Weather APIs is straightforward. You make HTTP GET requests to specific endpoints, providing the necessary parameters, and receive JSON responses with the requested data. Our API is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for developers of all skill levels.
GitHub Repository
You can find the complete source code and documentation for the Weather API on GitHub. This repository contains all the code needed to set up and run the API, as well as detailed documentation to guide you through the process.
Weather data is a valuable resource that can enhance the functionality and user experience of your applications and services. Our Weather API provides a straightforward way to access this data, perform geocoding tasks, and retrieve location coordinates, making it a versatile tool for developers in various industries.
GitHub Repository Link: https://github.com/gaurav-aryal/WeatherAPI